
Part I: History

Lorelai Lawson lived a very comfortable life as wife and mother to three children: two twin sons and an infant daughter. Lorelai's husband was part of the Imperial military with aspirations to become a Legatus. Emboldened by his successes on the battlefield, he wanted to raise his children to become great soldiers as well. He was a strong and aggressive man, frequently resorting to violence when he did not get his way. Lorelai was fearful at times, and so she helped raise her children as future Garlean soldiers of war. Meanwhile, Lorelai studied alchemy and became a gifted chirurgeon.As Lorelai's children grew, they became just as war hungry as her husband. Violent. Oppositional. They constantly spoke of Eorzea as though it were a great stain upon the world that needed to be scrubbed out quickly. Lorelai began to hear how terrible the Empire was, and could support them no longer. She tried to talk reason to her children, but they were without hope - and sided with their father instead.A plot to arrest Lorelai was initiated by her children in secret - or so they thought. Like her husband, Lorelai was also very cunning and had a streak of defiance in her as well.One night, Lorelai cooked a magnificent feast in "celebration" of her family's success. A sedative was discreetly placed into everyone's meals. However, Lorelai's husband knew what she was capable of and quickly became aware of her plan. He scoffed; Lorelai hated cooking. The children ate happily at first, but soon became violently ill and collapsed in death. Lorelai's husband had poisoned them, with intentions of using their death as a catalyst to force Lorelai's hand into helping the Empire. A skilled woman of science and magic would be far more useful to them than two teenage boys playing soldier.A fight between husband and wife ensued. Lorelai was subdued as usual, but this time Lorelai fought back, and slashed her husband's throat.Lorelai had one last loose end to tie before escaping: her infant daughter. She was crying loudly in her bassinet during the scuffle, and it wasn't until the fight had ended that reality sunk in. Lorelai, knowing that fleeing would be too dangerous with an infant, picked up her daughter and held her. Soothed her. Then strangled her to death. Lorelai knew the deed was done when the sobs were stifled, her daughter lifeless. Lorelai placed her back in the crib and fled.Now a murderer on the run, defector, and threat to the realm, Lorelai escaped Garlemald using a powerful glamour. She was disguised as an elderly Hearer, on a pilgrimage to the Twelveswood to spread word of the "Glory of the Empire". Her story was believed. Her husband's passcard and military insignia were used on her journey which allowed her to pass through the Empire's check points. A new glamour was applied each time to conceal suspicion and deter identification. Lorelai finally made it to safety, narrowly escaping the Battle of Carteneau, and she revealed herself with a new identity to the Conjurer's guild in Gridania.No one knows Lorelai's past; her real name is never revealed. She keeps a small enchanted journal with her, and uses magical ink to conceal her writings. She documents her adventures privately. She keeps to herself, preferring the company of books and scrolls to people and noise. In self-served punishment for her sins, Lorelai does not allow herself to love again; she will never have another family, and she will devote her life to helping others before she helps herself. However, one can only endure such atonement for so long until the mind weakens.It is only a matter of time before her past catches up with her.

Part II: Past

During her travels, Lorelai eventually met an Au Ra man by the name of Goro Oronir, leader of The Crystal Caravan. They met when Lorelai was searching for a bodyguard during a research project in a remote location.Goro, an avid and frequent hunter, invited Lorelai to one of his hunts. It was a blessing that she was there during this fateful hunt for Goro was severely injured. Using her skill as a chirurgeon, Lorelai tended to his wounds and saved his life. In that moment, Goro came to the realization that Lorelai was his Nhaama. Lorelai, despite vowing to never love again, discovered that she had fallen in love as well. Goro and Lorelai decided to announce their love through the Ceremony of Eternal Bonding and were wed.Lorelai started to become more comfortable with being around people again, after years of seclusion. She grew close to the Viera Selyne, who became like a sister to her.